Miller Industrial

Miller Industrial

Miller Industrial


621 E. Devon Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Website Phone 847-616-8002 Years Opened


Years in EGV

35 years

What is your favorite time of year in EGV?

Summertime; Warm weather, long days, long nights, great moods, high sales volume :-)

What is your business best known for?

A hardware store with so much more! We have developed a skill for problem solving in collaboration with our customers. Not just selling the part, but also figuring out different ideas for how that part might be easier used in its application. We work for homeowners and local businesses alike.

What is your mission?

Miller matters to our customers when we solve challenging problems and transfer positive energy in a challenging world. We help our customers make it, fix it, clean it, paint it, and solve it. And we do it with joy and care.

What is one thing most people don't know about your business?

We are a certified minority-owned business at the local and state level--MBE and DBE (and soon to be federal). We are always looking to partner with companies who have supply chain diversity requirements.

What question(s) do customers ask most often?

"Can I get this product or solution better, faster, or cheaper? Our answer is often ""yes, yes, no""--respectively."

What do you wish more people knew about your business?

We have the ability to build custom solutions and product categories around an individual customer's needs. We can add entire new product lines alongside software/technology solutions--all to collaborate with customers in a variety of net positive ways. We have just started these unique exploratory conversations with our data center customers, as an example.
